An installation view of the artwork Doppelgänger.
Me trying to replace myself with an AI-driven, Henry Ford-style production line churning out installation art. Doppelgänger →
Still image of a detail in '2 sekunden daten'.
'2 sekunden daten' is an installation about machines absorbing the breadth of human culture - with all its bias, but also its beauty. 2 sekunden daten →
One of five motivs of 'eigen'.
26 million images in one. A month in a moment. A human in a frame. // 'eigen' is about visualizing time itself. And about me sitting on my sofa. eigen →
Detail of 'derweil'.
An experimental device which correlates time, space and big data to provide tailor-made instructions on how to get lost. derweil →
The Zeitmaschine.
An interactive installation that projects the uncertainty of the future onto the past. Zeitmaschine →
Installation view of the artwork 'Cryptochron'.
'Cryptochron' is a realtime window into a non-real time. Cryptochron →
Still frame of 'eine Minute'.
A series on visualizing one minute of time around the globe. eine Minute →
Other projects.
Work in progress and loose ends. more stuff →